
Privacy Policy

With your registration as a health volunteer, you are being asked to provide personal and health information in order to assess your capability to be deployed during a health event. The information will be used to contact you about the need for your volunteer services, the coordination of your services, and/or for any follow-up issues after your deployment. The information could be used if Minnesota Department of Health attempted to obtain reimbursement from government sources for costs incurred by MDH, such as the cost of professional liability insurance.

All the information we obtain from you will be kept private or non-public as security information under M.S. 13.37. It will only be used to determine your ability and eligibility for a deployment.

Persons who will have access to this information are you, MDH and its federal, regional, and local partners involved in planning, investigating, or controlling a public health emergency and the vendor contracted to maintain this Site and its services. The county, or regional program administrators will receive the information and use this data to contact you. MDH will not provide this information to anyone else without your consent.

There is no legal obligation to provide this information to us. However, without it the MN Responds program administrators may not be able to accept your services as a health volunteer. In addition, your program administrator may require you to sign additional personal health statement prior to deployment.

Effective as of July 1, 2010